Thursday, February 23, 2006

23 Feb

23 Feb - Another unreported death on Koh Chang. I had a call a few days ago from the friends of a Taiwanese girl who drowned off Kai Bae beach on Feb 9th. The family suspected it was more than an accident as she was a good swimmer. We checked and the hospital where she was taken confirmed that it was accidental, although the doctor who saw her did admit that it was very strange that she drowned in mid-afternoon, in calm seas, not far offshore and no-one noticed. Take care if you're swimming at the southern end of Kai Bae beach.

I had quite a few emails as a result of the advertising from Harlequin Properties in a couple of British Sunday newspapers last weekend. Apparently, they're selling the Siam Royal View development in Klong Son where 10 million baht will get you a house on 330sqm of land in a compound with 400 fellow homeowners.

My general dislike for large housing developments aside, it was interesting to see on the statement: 'Thai shareholders all sign undated share transfer contracts at the time the company is being registered.' Whilst this may be common practice - when a foreigner is setting up a Thai registered company to buy the land - and most lawyers will say "Don't worry about it.", it's still odd to see a developer actually coming out and stating it on their website for the simple reason that it also happens to be, technically, illegal.

If you've got a resort or any type of business you want to sell, let me know. I get quite a few emails from people with cash in their hands and who are looking for businesses to buy outright or to invest in, on Koh Chang.

Trat Food Safety StreetAnd finally . . . If you're in Trat town you might fancy a visit to 'Trat Food Safety Street'. Look left, look right, look left once again and if there are no motorbikes racing through the food stalls, dig into your bowl of noodles.

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