Friday, August 04, 2006

4 Aug

Aerial photo Chai Chet4 Aug -
I'm waitin', waitin' on a sunny day
Gonna chase the clouds away
Waitin' on a sunny day

Here's a good MP3 of the live version, from Barcelona 2002, of Bruce Springsteen's ' Waiting ona Sunny Day' stick it on your Ipod and you'll almost forget the rain outside your window. (The rain's due to a tropical storm over southern China & the start of the SW monsoon coming across the gulf of Thailand . . . so it's wet everywhere at the moment, not just on KC.)

I've now added a search facility to the site - on all pages except this one, so if you can't find the info that you're looking for, or simply can't be bothered trawling through all the crap . . . give it a go.

Google Earth isn't the only entity with aerial photos of Koh Chang. Aerial Photography Thailand, who, rather aptly given their name, specialise in aerial photography in Thailand are another. Justin, the boss, sent me a few small pics of the KC coastline - three of which are on this page. If you're looking of aerial photos of KC for whatever reason, drop him an email.

Would you pay 30 baht for a four bar cappucino Kit-Kat in preference to 19 baht for the regular flavour?

Aerial photo WhitesandsBusiness challenge . . .which of these two 'once in a lifetime' investment opportunities would you go for? 1) Anyone wanting to 'invest' 20 million baht in a proposed development built on a small plot of farmland by the road, let me know and I'll put you in touch with the mastermind. 2) Anyone wanting to 'invest' 20 million baht in a proven recipe for snake oil, let me know and I'll put you in touch with the inventor. If you chose 1) . . .you're the ideal investor for Koh Chang. If you chose 2) you probably have either an MBA or some common sense as 1) is actually real.

Aerial photo south whitesandsThe Amari Hotel company would like you all to know that if you have US$325+++ handy you & your Mum can enjoy a 'Mother's Day' break during August at the Amari Emerald Cove, Koh Chang. Price includes: free return airport transfer, dinner for 2, spa treatment, fruit & flowers and the dreaded, sickly sweet 'Welcome drink'.

Will we be seeing any reverse swing at the Headingley test this week?

A couple of weeks ago I mentioned that the current international terror alert level on Koh Chang was 'Lilac'. A reader wanted to know what that means / implies. The answer is simple, we're on an alert that's a step down from 'Beige' and several steps up from any number of pastel shades.

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