Wednesday, September 20, 2006

20 Sep

20 Sept - Coup News: This being Thailand, Miss Orasa, the celebrity hand-model who's career was tragically cut short when she lost both arms below the elbow, has been employed as rather pretty coup spokes-babe. Her duties include passing on the message reminding viewers that the army has all the guns so it's best not to upset the Generals at this difficult time.

But how did yesterday's coup affected Koh Chang? A quick rundown of the past 24 hours as it happened:

8.00 am Thaksin Shinawatra calls an urgent teleconference with all armed forces' commanders at Government House, but none attends. On Koh Chang, I noticed a couple of police hanging around outside the 7-eleven in Klong Son. Possibly, paying their electricity bills, or was something more sinister about to unfold?

12.00 pm After finishing the webcam teleconference with Thaksin, who is New York, several Cabinet members check with reporters if there would really be a coup. On Koh Chang it starts raining, is this an omen?

6.30 pm The Army's special forces from Lopburi move into Bangkok. Gen Prem Tinnasulalonda, president of Privy Council, has an audience with HM the King, reportedly on a merit-making ceremony for ML Bau Kittiyakala. On Koh Chang two of our guests take the boat across to Pu-Talay Restaurant, oblivious to the drama unfolding in Bangkok.

9.00 pm The Army's special forces from Lopburi arrive at the Army's Bangkok headquarters. On Koh Chang I take the dog for it's evening walk. Was that a troop carrier or just builders in the back of a pick-up?.

9.30 pm TV channel 5 cancels regular programming and puts on air royally authored songs. Panthongthae, Thaksin's son, reportedly has left Thailand for the UK. On Koh Chang, one of our guests is thinking of leaving to the UK too, in a week or so after the end of his holiday.

10.10 pm CNN reports Bangkok situation. Koh Chang not mentioned.

10.20pm Thaksin declares a state of emergency via the phone from New York. He also issues two orders, transferring en Sondhi from the post of army chief to the PM's Office, and naming Gen Rungroj Mahasaranond as the officer in charge of the crisis. On Koh Chang, no one's sure who's in charge or what they're in charge of - situation normal.

11pm "The Administrative Reform Council" (ARC) issues a first statement on TV network, saying the armed forces and national police have peacefully seized control of Bangkok and surrounding areas. Soldier seize the Shinawatra Building, iTV television station and Thaksin's residence. On Koh Chang all the Thai TV stations are off the air, no tourists affected except those with Thai spouses who now have to put up with them whining about having their daily soap operas interrupted.

11.50pm ARC issues the second statement explaining the reasons for the coup d'etat, citing national disunity and rampant corruption. ARC says it plans to return power quickly to the people. Foreigners now severely affected on Koh Chang as CNN & BBC are off the air and so are all other satellite channels including ESPN which was cut in the middle of an analysis of Rafa Benitez's use of Steven Gerrard this season, and I for one, was looking forward hearing Steve McMahon's analysis. More seriously I do begin to get concerned, my Dad just sent a 'Little Britain Series 3' DVD to me, and I'll be rather annoyed if this coup delays the mail in any way.

8:00 am ARC spokesman announces Gen Sonthi will make announcement on TVs at 9 am. The spokesman also announces that TV stations can resume their normal programmes but most continue to relay signals from Channel 5 except iTV, which briefly airs its morning news programme. On Koh Chang, at our place, Peter goes for tea instead of coffee with his breakfast which is a bit unusual. Unsubstantiated rumours of tanks queuing at the mainland ferry pier as ticket staff try to decide on whether a troop carrier really should travel for the same price as a pick-up or if a truck ticket is more appropriate.

9.00 am Not one to miss an opportunity, I email the ARC asking if I can declare Koh Chang an independent state and install myself as leader and, if not, do they have the phone number of the cute spokeswoman. No reply to either request as of yet.

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