Sunday, December 17, 2006

17 Dec - Koh Chang Update

Only pool on Koh Mak17 Dec - The only pool on Koh Mak is now in use, but only for guests staying at Koh Mak Villa or Goodtime Resort.

No update for a while as I've been busy writing all the things I miss about Xmas on the back of a postage stamp using a marker pen. That's not actually true . . .I've been busy trying to think of anything I miss about Christmas which I would write on the back of a postage stamp, if I had a stamp or could think of anything to write.

In keeping with the spirit of Christmas, and in the name of nostalgia not laziness, I've dug into the archives and rehashed something from Christmas past. This is something I wrote about Xmas for 'The Nation' newspaper a few years ago, it might raise a smile as you sit in your office cubicle on a dull rainy day wishing you were somewhere else. It was that or add a falling javascript snowflake effect to this page, but I couldn't bring myself to go that far, and I've a feeling Jesus wouldn't have wanted me to do that either.

Last weekend was a holiday weekend in Thailand, like most people I expected the island to be packed with cars as Bangkokians, with their end of year bonuses already in their pockets, took a 2-3 day break. However, the only places that saw any increase in customers were the well established beachfront places such as Klong Prao Resort & Koh Chang Resort plus the 7-eleven minimarts. Although it isn't politically correct to say so, most small business owners on Koh Chang are now relying on a tsunami, earthquake, meteor or wayward North Korean nuke to strike Samui, Phuket or preferably both as the only way of ensuring a profit this high season.

Three contractors are bidding to build the road around Koh Chang . One from Bangkok, another Trat and one from Koh Chang. They go to meet the local officials in charge of handling tenders for the contract. The contractor from Bangkok takes out box load of documents, plans and engineering reports. "Well," he says. "We've calculated that this job will cost 270 million baht. 200 million for materials, 40 million for labour and logisitics and 30 million profit." The contractor from Trat whips out a looseleaf binder and calculator and also comes up with a similar figure as the guy from Bangkok. The contractor from Koh Chang walks in empty handed, but leans over to the local official and whispers: "370 million." The official, incredulous, says, "What? You didn't even inspect the site like the other guys! How did you come up with such a figure?" "Easy," the builder explains, "50 million for you, 50 million for me and we hire the guy from Bangkok to do the work." Not based on a true story at all.

Muay Thai boxing at Bangbao Stadium tonight. 350 baht ticket say the English language flyers, which is more than a ticket for a professional fight at one of the Bangkok stadiums - which actually are stadiums in the sense that they are structures with seating, costs.

Festive thanks to Marshall for the wine, Tapio for the wierd Finnish liqueur, Mary for the single malt and Andrei for the cognac from Dagestan which I'm reliably informed is almost as good as the brandy from Kazakstan. All I need now is a cocktail recipe that includes them all.

Phuket's tourist numbers are up 85% since last year, which rather puts the 10% increase in visitor numbers to Koh Chang, that the bloke in charge of tourism last week used the adjective "skyrocketing" to describe, in perspective.

If you're in a bar and a well dressed Thai guy comes in, orders a martini shaken not stirred, and then proceeds to aim a few well rehearsed chat-up lines as sultry damsels he's probably an undercover cop. How do I know? Because today's Bangkok Post has a story that you couldn't make up. Entitled 'Undercover Officers told to look less obvious', the story regards undercover officers who have been told to make themselves less obvious to criminals

Pol Col Thitiratch deputy commander of the Crime Suppression Division said the policemen should blend in, not stand out. "Sometimes, it's a neatly-pressed shirt and trousers they want. Or they could don a suit if need be. Wear whatever is necessary to get to the criminals. But they should avoid wearing clothes that tell people they are police. Look at James Bond. He's a classic example of someone who can be as smartly-dressed and a capable secret agent," he said (really).

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